horizontal screw centrifuge , I was talking to an alternative energy strategist from Europe who was pushing wind and solar. He explained to me that China was ahead of the United States when it came to alternative energy. He said that China had invested more than the United States had, and had more to show for it. Whereas, that might be true since the United States has spent $90 billion on alternative energy and much that they invested in has gone bankrupt and provided little if any jobs - all is not well in China when it comes to CO2 emissions in their energy sector.
In many regards China is polluting up a storm, and for almost a five-year period they had produced one new coal-fired plant every two weeks. The amount of pollution in Beijing and Shanghai is unheard of, it's far worse than Mexico City if you can believe that. There are some days when people in high-rises cannot see across the street to the building on the other side, it is really that bad. Perhaps you haven't heard about this because the Chinese media blocks out any stories on such topics. US media companies in China don't dare write about it either, or they will be kicked out of the country.
Of course, China must have energy generation and are getting all they can have hydroelectricity, building nuclear power plants, and putting up the wind and solar, but their alternative energy strategies are not working fast enough to keep up with demand, so they keep burning coal. Their best strategy might be to do something like the US and use natural gas as it's not as if the Chinese don't have just as much or more than we do.
There was an interesting article the Wall Street Journal on December 3, 2012. The article was titled "Global Gas Push Stalls-Firms Hit Hurdles Trying to Replicate US Success Abroad," by Russell Gold and Marynia Kruk. The article noted that China has 1,275 trillion cubic feet of natural gas which is technically recoverable using fracking techniques, the same type of techniques we're using here in the United States. It seems as though China has even more natural gas than we have available in the United States, and trust me we have plenty.
So why doesn't China go after all their natural gas? Well, they have different geological and rock formations than we do, different sedimentary layers where ground water is trapped. They are also deathly afraid of earthquakes, as well they should. The article above also stated; "obstacles mean significant overseas shale energy production could be a decade away." Still, I very much doubt if the global warming alarmists, environmentalists, or the rest of the world is going to want all of China's pollution from their coal-fired plants.
Either they need to turn them into clean coal, or figure something else out. Further, the costs to their populations health is significant as that too is a problem, a big one. Indeed
Cannabis separation centrifuge hope you will please consider all this and think on it.